Available for M1 (-1/+5) & M2 (-1/+7) temp. class
Both plug in and remote versions avaliable
Bain Marie and hot plate versions
Double display powder coated deck version available (for Sardis DBL)
788, 888 or 960 mm stainless steel base tray options
Adjustable stainless steel trays
275 mm stainless steel working plate
Standard LED single row canopy lighting
High quality tempered and vertical straight front glass
Fan assisted anti condensation system
Fan assisted refrigeration
Optional stainless steel bumper rail
Optional sliding cover
Shelf options on the front glass ( for PR and 2PR module)
RAL color options
Piller leg or closed front panel
Die perfekte Ergänzung zur restlichen Verpackung. Unsere bedruckten Aufkleber sind von hoher Qualität und können passend zu Ihrem Branding angefertigt werden.
αποκλειστικότητα κατασκευής, προστασία της μοναδικότητας - Σε έναν κόσμο που γνωρίζει όλο και περισσότερο τη σημασία της βιωσιμότητας, η βιομηχανία κοσμημάτων στρέφεται επίσης προς πιο φιλικές προς το περιβάλλον πρακτικές. Μια καινοτόμος προσέγγιση είναι η χρήση ανακυκλωμένων υλικών για τη δημιουργία όμορφων, βιώσιμων κομματιών. Αυτό δεν είναι μόνο ωφέλιμο για το περιβάλλον, αλλά συμβάλλει επίσης σε μια πιο ηθική και υπεύθυνη βιομηχανία μόδας. Ας εξερευνήσουμε τον συναρπαστικό κόσμο των ανακυκλωμένων κοσμημάτων.
Introducing our Sophisticated & Refined Men's Rings Collection, a carefully curated selection of elegant and masculine rings designed to suit the modern gentleman's lifestyle. Each ring in this stylish collection has been chosen for its exceptional craftsmanship, timeless design, and the perfect balance of subtlety and statement, making it an ideal accessory for any occasion, from casual outings to formal events.
Our Men's Rings Collection showcases a diverse range of styles, materials, and finishes to cater to every taste and preference. From classic gold and sterling silver bands
Discover the many styles available in our men's ring collectio
Præsenterer vores Eternal Union-kollektion af engros vielsesringe, lavet af høj kvalitet metaller såsom guld, sølv og platin. Disse elegante og klassiske designs symboliserer den evige bånd mellem par og gør dem til det perfekte valg til dine kunders bryllupsdag.
V naší šperkařské dílně věříme, že perly jsou krásné jako drahé kameny; mají duši, která vyzařuje nevinnost, čistotu a ušlechtilost. Proto jsme si dali za úkol vnést do našich šperků nadčasovou eleganci perel. Ať už používáme skutečné nebo umělé perly, pečlivě je mícháme s nejkvalitnějším zlatem a stříbrem, abychom vytvořili pozoruhodné kousky, které zachycují podstatu tohoto nádherného drahokamu. Od klasických perlových náhrdelníků po současné perlami zdobené náramky, naše šperky jsou oslavou duše perly a krásy, kterou přináší do světa módy.
В нашата работилница за бижута вярваме, че перлите са красиви като скъпоценни камъни; те имат душа, която излъчва невинност, чистота и благородство. Ето защо си поставихме за наша мисия да внесем вечната елегантност на перлите в нашите дизайни на бижута. Независимо дали използваме истински или изкуствени перли, ние внимателно ги смесваме с най-финото злато и сребро, за да създадем удивителни парчета, които улавят същността на този изящен скъпоценен камък. От класически перлени огърлици до съвременни украсени с перли гривни, нашите бижута са празник на душата на перлата и красотата, която тя носи в света на модата.
High Performance Two Stroke Oil is meticulously crafted for use in high-performance, top-tier two-stroke motorcycle engines and power tools. It is meticulously formulated from premium mineral base stock, enriched with detergent additives, to create a contemporary low-ash lubricant.
Under rigorous controlled testing conditions, High Performance Two Stroke Oil consistently delivers outstanding results, ensuring impeccable engine cleanliness and preventing ring sticking. Its stellar reputation is founded on extensive real-world experience, particularly in the development and enhancement of lubricant additives in high-performance motorcycle racing engines.
For optimal results, High Performance Two Stroke Oil should be used in accordance with the fuel/oil ratio recommended by the engine manufacturer. Additionally, it is suitable for use in small to medium-sized water-cooled engines that may not be as sensitive to low ash levels.
motorcycle oil:2t
High performance :engine oil
Package :1l, 20l, 60l, 200l, 208l, 1000l
Bienvenue chez NURELLA HOME, où l'art de la fabrication rencontre l'élégance du design. Nous sommes plus qu'une simple entreprise : nous sommes les artisans passionnés qui se cachent derrière chaque meuble qui embellit votre espace de vie.
Chez NURELLA HOME, notre engagement pour l'excellence est évident dans chaque détail de nos créations. Nous sommes fiers de produire des meubles de haute qualité qui allient fonctionnalité, confort et esthétique.
Notre équipe de designers talentueux travaille sans relâche pour créer des meubles qui reflètent les dernières tendances en matière de design, tout en répondant aux besoins et aux désirs de nos clients. Chaque pièce est soigneusement fabriquée pour offrir l'équilibre parfait entre style et fonctionnalité, garantissant ainsi une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle.
NURELLA HOME a été fondée par Huriye Nur Yörük en 2022.
The Rolo Chain is known for its circular links that create a timeless and sophisticated look. It is perfect for showcasing necklaces or can be worn alone.
Available for M1 (-1/+5) & M2 (-1/+7) temp. class
Both plug in and remote versions avaliable
Possibility of assemble as an island type (For only remote version)
Optional sliding glass door
Plastic bumper protection
Standard LED single row canopy lighting
Optional LED under shelves lighting
Powder coated or stainless steel options for shelves
Manuel night curtain
RAL color options
Head unit options